
So Handsome!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Socks and Other Inevitibilities

This morning I washed and dried and put away the last of Tom's dirty clothes. As a parent there are things that are an inevitability. Mine has been the mysterious "missing socks." Almost weekly, I would hear, "Mom, I have no clean socks." Or, "Mom, Brad took all my socks again." With the number of new socks I have purchased over the years, I should be a voting stockholder in Hanes. Well, there are at least 15 clean pair of socks in Tom's dresser now. Not that he will ever wear them again - they are civvies and he no longer is.

My boy is now ending week 2 of Recruit Training on Parris Island. Guess I should start referring to him as "young man." Or, Tom will just have to get used to the idea that I will inevitably always refer to him as "my boy" much as my grandmother always referred to my father (Tom's namesake) as "Tommy."

From the beginning, it was inevitable that Tom was military bound. When he was two, his father and I took him to the airshow at Selfridge Air National Guard Base. It was love at first sight. Tom was thrilled beyond words with the sights, smells and sounds associated with all things military. From that point on, the military had my boy's heart. Save for a few flirtations with other occupations he remained focused.

There was a period of time when Tom aspired to be a velociraptor; but, honestly, who REALLY has arms that short! Then there was the time when, upon viewing Twister for the 50th or 60th time, he announced he was changing his name to Bill when he grew up so he too could be a storm chaser. And, how could we ever forget the Apollo 13 phase? Tom Hanks, eat your heart out, my boy made one damn handsome astronaut! But, it always came back to the military.

Toy tanks, camouflage clothing, helmets, toy guns (and later air soft guns), dress uniforms have now become very real in Tom's world. I'm sure he's like a kid in a candy shop at times. This has to be the most exciting time in his life! His dreams are coming true. It was inevitable.

God Bless! Love you, Tom.

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