
So Handsome!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Letter!

We got our first REAL letter from Tom today! All the reading up I've done and preparing for the "I hate it here" letter was in vain. He said he misses us so much and can't tell me how hard it is but, "there is NO way I'm giving up." He got his M16 a few days ago and says, "Man, I love that thing." Hard to believe the kid who was playing airsoft with "toy" guns three weeks ago is in love with a REAL M16! That's my boy.

Good night, Tom. Love you!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Socks and Other Inevitibilities

This morning I washed and dried and put away the last of Tom's dirty clothes. As a parent there are things that are an inevitability. Mine has been the mysterious "missing socks." Almost weekly, I would hear, "Mom, I have no clean socks." Or, "Mom, Brad took all my socks again." With the number of new socks I have purchased over the years, I should be a voting stockholder in Hanes. Well, there are at least 15 clean pair of socks in Tom's dresser now. Not that he will ever wear them again - they are civvies and he no longer is.

My boy is now ending week 2 of Recruit Training on Parris Island. Guess I should start referring to him as "young man." Or, Tom will just have to get used to the idea that I will inevitably always refer to him as "my boy" much as my grandmother always referred to my father (Tom's namesake) as "Tommy."

From the beginning, it was inevitable that Tom was military bound. When he was two, his father and I took him to the airshow at Selfridge Air National Guard Base. It was love at first sight. Tom was thrilled beyond words with the sights, smells and sounds associated with all things military. From that point on, the military had my boy's heart. Save for a few flirtations with other occupations he remained focused.

There was a period of time when Tom aspired to be a velociraptor; but, honestly, who REALLY has arms that short! Then there was the time when, upon viewing Twister for the 50th or 60th time, he announced he was changing his name to Bill when he grew up so he too could be a storm chaser. And, how could we ever forget the Apollo 13 phase? Tom Hanks, eat your heart out, my boy made one damn handsome astronaut! But, it always came back to the military.

Toy tanks, camouflage clothing, helmets, toy guns (and later air soft guns), dress uniforms have now become very real in Tom's world. I'm sure he's like a kid in a candy shop at times. This has to be the most exciting time in his life! His dreams are coming true. It was inevitable.

God Bless! Love you, Tom.

Monday, June 21, 2010

One Week Down, 12 To Go

Well, Tom's been gone a week now. Not sure what's going on for him today, as the Matrix is blank. I'm sure he's anything but bored! The week has actually gone by quickly for me and I'm hoping the remaining 12 do too! I did find out what "Female 1st Pick Up" and "Male 1st Pick Up" mean......its the initial strength testing. I knew it couldn't be as fun as it sounded! :) I did some digging on places to say when we are at Parris Island for graduation and have come across a few interesting places. I'm hoping Jeff, Brad and I can make a mini vacation out of the trip. I know Tom will be anxious to get home following graduation, so it will be a quick drive to Aunt Lori's on Friday with the remainder of the drive on Saturday. I'm sure his friends will be waiting in line to see him. Hoping that we can get a little family time in during his leave! I'm going to send off another letter in the morning and will let everyone one when I hear back. Good Night, Tom. God Bless! Love you!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Something Special by Someone Special

Tonight I'm going to share someone else's blog with you. The following was written by my son Brad's girlfriend, Shelby. Shelby has become part of our family over the past several months. She put in words, better than most of us could, the feelings we have all had from time to time in our lives. Shelby wrote this as her final and it has been posted on The Murmur is the student newspaper at Waterford Kettering High School.

Grab some tissues and soak in the following. We love you, Shelby!

So Long, Farewell, Aufweidersehen, Goodnight

By Shelby Netschke

It's never easy saying goodbye. I guess we get attached to things and used to things, change just throws everything off balance and we don't welcome it with open arms.

But, saying a real goodbye isn't just a simple "later," when you leave to go to the grocery store. The goodbyes that hit home are the ones said to a loved one who is slowly slipping into a sleep they won't wake up from, or to your brother who is going on a no-return mission to Mars. A real goodbye is something more serious, like that. But, it could mean just about anything, really.

I'm talking about the goodbye that you know is coming. It lingers over you like a black storm cloud. It follows you with every footstep. It's always there, hiding in the shadows, ready to jump out at you, never letting you forget that it's there.

Those are the worst kind of goodbyes. You know they are coming all along. But, once you get to that point, it catches you off guard and in a loss for words, overwhelmed and stubbornly trying not to accept this slight change in your life, tears spill over and drown you in self-pity.

I had to say one of these goodbyes just the other day. I knew it was coming for months, but reality didn't sink in until a few days before it happened.

Details are not important; you and I aren't on a personal level yet. But, basically a friend left. He will be gone for a few months, be home for a few days, and then I don't really know when I, or his family, will see him next.

"It's just boot camp," they say. "His life isn't in danger. . ." yet. And "It isn't like he's dying. I know this, and his family knows this, but saying that everything is going to be okay doesn't make it so.

I didn't cry for attention, or because he is the most significant person who has ever stepped foot into my life. I cried because he was leaving the life he has always known. I cried for his family. I cried for his brother, who has to walk by his empty room every morning. I cried because I loved him like a brother, and I don't think he knows that. I cried for that little empty feeling that will be in our group of friends now that he isn't around. I did not cry for his girlfriend. I cried because he was finally fulfilling his dreams, and I couldn't be happier for him.

It's like they say, (well, I don't know who "they" are. . .) you don't realize how much someone means to you until they're gone. I do disagree with this, because if they mean something to you, you already know that, and their absence shouldn't make it clear.

I think what it really is, is that you don't realize how much people affect your life until they suddenly dip out of it, and not knowing what's next or what will happen when they are gone scares people.

I don't think the best cure is a clean break, because that's just an attempt to forget how great they were. I think the best medicine is to love your friends, write them, shed a little tear when you miss them, and remind them that they are awesome and that you will never forget them.

I'll miss you Tommy Boy. Have fun chasing your dreams. We will all write you, I promise.

And with that, Good Night and God Bless! Love you, Bud!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Evening Thoughts.....

Well, I had every intention of sitting down tonight and writing about how Tom the Marine came to be. But seeing as my better half, Jeff, brought home some yummy wine to have with dinner, and I've managed to drink half of it, I'm going to spend the evening thinking of Tom with pride and I will go to bed saying a prayer for him. I fully intend to write over the weekend. There's so much I have to say about my boy and how very very proud we all are of him. In the meantime, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Here's a photo of Tom and his brother Brad....dressed up for Halloween.....Tom was 7 when he came home and announced he wanted to be a Marine for Halloween.....pretty easy....camo, face paint, a toy gun.....nope. He wanted DRESS BLUES! Luckily, I have a little bit of creativity in me and was able to come up with this consume. Tom was so proud to wear the costume - complete with Grandpa's ribbons! Until later, God Bless! Love you, Bud!

Introduction to my Blog

This is where I will be posting daily (hopefully!) thoughts and information about my boy, Tom. Tom left for Marine Boot Camp on Monday, June 14, 2010. I suspect he is somewhere on Parris Island doing push ups or pull ups as I type this. If you are friend or family or even stranger, this is where you will get information about his progress and, if you so desire, follow my ups and downs as his mom. While I miss my boy very much, I am so very proud of him and thankful for young men and women like him. I will be back later today to add something of substance. God Bless!