
So Handsome!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


At 2 a.m. this morning the young men of 1st Btn./Alpha Co. began their final test -- the Crucible.

The Crucible is the 54-hour culmination to the transformation of recruit training. It is a physically and mentally challenging event that involves food and sleep deprivation and the completion of various obstacles fort he potential Marine to negotiate.

Basic Facts:

  • Recruits will travel 48 miles on foot during the event.
  • There are 29 problem-solving exercises during the Crucible.
  • It consists of 36 different stations.
  • The recruits will have three meals, ready-to-eat (MREs) during the 54 hours.
  • The recruits will be required to carry 45 pounds during the Crucible, in addition to 782 gear, uniform and M16 A2 service rifle weight.

After completion of this test, they will be issued their emblems (EGAs) in a private ceremony and be officially recognized as Marines for the first time.

Then, it is time for the warriors breakfast! Yummy bacon, eggs, sausage, ham, grits, oatmeal, pancakes, steak, french toast, hashbrowns, fruit, milk, juice and even SODA for the first time since they arrived on the island! MAY THEY ALL OVER-EAT!!!!!!

Good luck, men! You are in my prayers! Love you, bud! See you in 7 days!